Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wedding Ready

It's that time of year again. The time we either love or hate-WEDDING SEASON! When I was in my 20's, and all of my friends were getting married, I truly loved it. I loved getting to see my friends I grew up with, partying until we couldn't party anymore, making memories (some I would rather forget) and getting to witness two people who loved each other (most of the time) start a new life together. 
But most of all, I LOVED dressing up! Of course, I wanted to look good so "the one that got away" would regret ever "getting away". Looking back, I'm sure it was all in my head, but, hey, I was in my 20's, what did I know? As long as I felt good, that's all that really mattered. 
So this is what I say to all the girls out there attending a wedding not married nor a prospect in sight: Look good for YOU! Feel good for YOU! Have fun! These are memories you will always cherish and never get back. Don't worry about "the boy". If he doesn't see your shining qualities, move on, the next guy will! And most of all, have fun with your girlfriends. They will be the ones who are always there for you! 

Here are a few looks perfect for Wedding Season that will make you feel AND look AMAZING! 

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